mercredi 25 mai 2011

Since two months...

Hey guys, what happening to Redchronicle's blog ?

You think I was off ? Dead ? That it was another dead blog ?
Not at all. In fact I was working on several projects. Probably, too many projects for a single man...
All related to Red and REBOL.

Now, two months has passed since my last message and Red language creation is really on a good way !
The facts :

  • A complete langage specification for Red/System
  • A documentation for QuickTest framework
  • Several contributions for Red language :
    • 0MQ binding
    • QuickTest framework for Red/System
    • C language binding for Red (work in progress) 
  • Interesting discussions in Red's Google Groups
  • A language creator that uses modern way to communicate (Blogger, Twitter, Github, Google Groups, AltME) and try avoid the "cave mode" phenomenon
  • First Red event in north of France
So, what about RedChronicle's projects ?
I was working on the implementation of some basic console functions for Red/System. Maybe to hard work for me... I've found a very good tutorial about the Console implementation in C++ under Windows.
But no time to finish my poor try.

I was working on a french Wikipedia entry about Red language. You can now read it on french edition of Wikipedia : "Langage de programmation Red". Very long process to reach the final result. Have to battle to keep the page alive. It is a very simple page about Red language. I try to add lots of pictures. Have to work on english translation of it.

I was also working on the preparation of the first Red language event in France (first users group in the World after the presentation of Red language at ReBorCon 2011). This event will take place in Lille (north of France, European Capital of Culture in 2004), the 28th of may 2011.

During this event, Nenad will present Red language for the first time in french. This event will also a REBOL and Cheyenne event. Live tweets on #red_chronicle Twitter. Will try to record a video and post it on YouTube.
Talks about this event on french REBOL forum RebelBB.
Nenad has also post a message on site.

The event will took place at :

Integral Business Service
679 Avenue de la République

the 28th of may 2011 during the afternoon from 2pm to 6pm.

Let's talk about Red language now...
New section on site called Documentation. You can find the TODO list, the Red/System specification and the documentation for QuickTest unit framework written by Peter A.W Wood.

Nenad has also posted a complete overview of Red/System compiler. Very interesting.
The roadmap of Red language creation is on the way.


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